Tuesday, January 4, 2011


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Kapche <rkapche@csulb.edu>
Date: Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 2:38 AM
Subject: CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU HAVE WON £500,000,00

BATCH No:15/623/UK.
Registered Lottery No: 220949.

We hereby announce the official notification of the results of the
Yahoo!-Microsoft Financial Promotions held this Month  in which your
e-mail address emerged winner.Your e-mail address attached to ticket
number 883734657492-5319 with serial number 7263-267, batch number
8254297137,lottery ref number 7336065782 and drew lucky numbers
14-22-28-37-40-44 which consequently won you the cash prize in the 1st
category, you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of
?500,000,00 (i.e Five Hundred Thousand United Kingdom Pounds).Please note that
this Promotional Programme tagged "Thanks for contributing to our
financial Sucess" was sponsored and organized by the Yahoo! Microsoft
Corporation in view of the Financial benefits YAHOO! have received from
its numerous customers either through adverts, hosting and personal

The reason this lottery was organized is to thank the numerous public
including users and non-users of YAHOO! MAIL for the financial benefits
THE YAHOO! MICROSOFT CORPORATION have received as a result of their
Patronage last Year.This Lottery is approved and licensed by the
International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR). This lottery is the
first of its kind organised by YAHOO! MICROSOFT In view of this, your Five
Hundred Thousand United Kingdom Pounds (?500,000,00) would be released to you by
the claims office here in UK. The reason this lottery was organized is to
thank the numerous public including users and non-users of YAHOO! MAIL for
the financial benefits THE MICROSOFT-YAHOO! CORPORATION have received as a
result of their Patronage last Year.

For processing and remittance of your winnings, Beneficiaries who have
previously received this notification letter are advised to once again
contact their assigned Remittance Director with his new email address

Contact Info:
Mr.Greg Smith
Yahoo Office
Remittance Director
Yahoo!-Microsoft Promotions Unit.
44 Moorfields London EC2Y 9AL UNITED KINGDOM
Contact Number: +44 702 402 6681
Email: mr_gregsmithmanagerdept001@hotmail.com

    (Receipt Official Notification Letter)
FULL NAMES................................
CONTACT ADDRESS......................
MARITAL STATUS.........................
NATION ALITY.............................
TELEPHONE NUMBER....................
BATCH NUMBER. ........................
REFERENCE NUMBER...................

Once Again Thanks For Contributing To Our Financial Success!!!

Yours Sincerely,
Robert Kapche
Chief Executive Officer
Yahoo!-Microsoft Corporation


administrator said...

Emel ini mempunyai beberapa unsur penipuan yang ketara, iaitu:

1. Bagi membolehkan seseorang memenangi loteri (yang sememangnya haram dalam Islam), dia perlu bertaruh terlebih dahulu. Mana mungkin seseorang memenangi loteri tanpa meletakkan wangnya terlebih dahulu, malah menang pula dalam jumlah yang besar, iaitu 500,000.

2. Bila masa pula Yahoo dan Microsoft membabitkan diri dalam aktiviti seperti ini? Ini satu persoalan yang menunjukkan terdapat unsur penipuan.

3. Penghantar emel ini mengatakan bahawa pemberian wang ini adalah bagi menghargai para pelanggan dan juga mereka yang tidak menjadi pelanggan mereka. Sekalipun Microsoft dan Yahoo ingin menghargai pelanggan mereka, ia tidak akan dilakukan melalui wadah loteri.

4. Selain itu, adalah tidak masuk akal bagi Microsoft dan Yahoo memberikan insentif kepada individu yang tidak melanggani perkhidmatan mereka.

5. Siapa pula Robert Kapche yang dikatakan CEO Yahoo-Microsoft Corporation?

6. Bila masa pula Yahoo dan Microsoft bergabung?

Moga analisis ringkas yang saya utarakan ini dapat membantu para netters.

- Ashadi Zain (ashadizain@gmail.com)

ps: Berita terbaharu bahan api - Harga minyak RON97 kini naik 10 sen. Berita lanjut mengenainya di http://artikelashadizain.blogspot.com/2011/01/ron97-minyak-tanah-naik-10-sen-lagi.html

Unknown said...

saya setuju...jangan mudah terpedaya dengan ape2 mesej seperti ini...

Unknown said...

Terang2 lg da menunjukkan haram..

mutiara hati said...

eh...mcam2 plak diorang nie.=(,

Unknown said...

fikir sblm bertndk...

Unknown said...

tipu je nk bg 500 000 00 pound kat org...tah pape.

Unknown said...

dah memang nampak sgt benda tu haram dalam islam x kan la x leh nak fikir..

Unknown said...

keadaan ekonomi yg tidak stabil menyebabkan manusia menggunakan pelbagai cara utk mendpt kn duit dgn senang, jd jgn mudah ditipu dgn msj yg macam ni......

Blogger Addict said...

setiap hari lebih 12 email nie diterima.....penat nk delete tiap2 hari.....ermmmmm...